Astra 2F Satellite Information and News

Astra 2F Satellite TV News, Information and Frequencies

For the latest up to the minute reception reports for the Astra 2F (and 2E) satellites
in many parts of Europe,‚ visit our forum:‚

Beams and reception Maps
Channels and Frequencies
Technical Details
Astra 2F news history
Old Reception Reports (Up to 01/2013)


ASTRA 2F is a satellite owned and operated by SES Astra. It has been launched to replace the old satellite's in the 28.2 degrees East position in orbit, such as‚ Astra 2D‚ ‚ which has reached the end of it's lifespan. Currently Astra 1N is also broadcasting from this location but will be moving to 19.2 degress East once Astra 2E is operational - any time in February 2014.
Astra 2F is being used to broadcast satellite TV and to provide‚ VSAT and broadband services across Europe, in the Middle East and parts of Africa. It uses Ku band and Ka band to provide internet, VOIP (Voice over IP, i.e., internet phones) ‚ video / satellite TV‚ and IPTV‚ ‚ beams and it orbits the earth at a bearing of 28.2‚°East of the Prime Meridian line which goes from North to South through Greenwich (0 degrees) in the UK. ‚ It was launched in 2012 and has an expected lifespan of 15 years.
Once Astra 2E is in position (i.e., right now as of February 2014), many channels will be changing satellites and frequencies. Astra 1N will be moving and it's channels will be broadcast from Astra 2E and 2F instead. Some satellites have a tight spot beam providing UK TV free to air broadcasts to the UK only and reception becomes difficult out of this area. There is a bit of uncertainty and "panic" now as hundreds of thousands of people across Europe who currently receive free to air UK TV broadcasts via satellite, may no longer be able to do so, or will lose many channels. As mentioned please visit our forums‚ for up to the minute reception reports.
Beams and Reception Maps
For the bigger versions of each map please click on each individual map
UK KU Spot Beam Europe KU Beam West Africa KU Beam‚  Astra 2F Europe KA Beam
Astra 2F UK KU Spot Beam Europe KU Beam Astra 2F West Africa KU Beam Astra 2F Europe KA Band beam

For the very latest reception reports please see the forum.‚ Up to date reception reports are reported by our very excellent members, you too can become a member of the community and report your own reception reports and share other useful information with other satellite users.

Please note - These are minimum dish sizes needed for Astra 2F UK Beam reception based on the reception reports very kindly sent in by our members.

Due to constantly changing conditions, this map is for guidance only and should not be relied upon to be 100% accurate or up to date. Please chat with users in the forum for more accurate and up to date information.



Channels and Frequencies List
Full channel list coming soon. For now use lyngsat. ‚

Technical data

Orbital location 28.2‚°E
Coverage West Africa, Europe
Launch date 28 September 2012
Launch Vehicle Ariane 5 ECA
Design Life 15 years
Satellite Manufacturer EADS Astrium
Polarisation Ku-band: Linear
Ka-band: Circular
Total Transponders Ku-band: Europe:
48; Africa: 12
Ka-band: 3

Old Astra 2F News - Up until July 2013

UPDATE‚ 11/07/13 at 17.30 - Some good news for my readers who are either resident in France or holidaying in France, "SES-Astra" and‚ it's long-standing partner "NordNet" have announced an expansion service, "Nordnet" has developed a new on-demand satellite broadband offering for which it contracted additional Ka-band capacity on the Astra 2F satellite, the solution, based on SES Broadband Services' technology offers download speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s for second residences and holiday homes in France and it is marketed in France, seems like a good solution for any of you who are in the remoter parts of France, read the full article‚ HERE


01/05/13 at 11.00 - Astra 2F does Ka-band internet for the UK, the latest SES-Astra press release contains the following information "SES announced today that it has signed an agreement with BeyonDSL for the distribution of SES Broadband in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The new satellite internet service is marketed by BeyonDSL under the brand name "Satellite Internet" and offers download speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s.", the information relating to the use of Astra 2F to deliver this service is as follows, "The service uses Ka-band capacity on SES' ASTRA 2F satellite located at the orbital position 28.2 degrees East.", please read the full SES-Astra press release which can be found‚ HERE


UPDATE‚ 16/04/13 at 19.30 - Astra 2F - "SES-Astra" have reiterated to me that the "Astra 2F" satellite has absolutely no problems whatsoever and it is operating according to the plan set out for it by SES-Astra, please also see the March 4th statement‚ HERE


UPDATE 01/04/13 at 23.30 - Astra 2E -‚ It's a July 19th Launch!‚ The‚ scheduled‚ launch date of the "Astra 2E" satellite from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on a "Proton-M/Briz-M" rocket launcher and upper stage combination is on Friday the 19th of July, 2013,‚ the planned "Proton" launch schedule from Baikonur is now as follows :- Anik G1 on the 15th of April, Eutelsat 3D on the 14th of May, SES-6 on the 3rd of June, and Astra 2E on the 19th of July. Don't forget that‚ you can keep up to date with all the latest Astra 2E happenings with "Rob's" very unique and world renowned take on all things satellite and as is usual with "Astra" launches "Rob's Satellite TV" is‚ the best place for finding out what is really about to happen and what is‚ ‚ really‚ actually happening, everyone remembers "Rob's" correct‚ Astra's 1N and Astra 2F "predictions", Rob and his "Crystal Ball" can now be found hard at work on the dedicated Astra 2E page‚ HERE

And the view ‚ from the satellite with the non-public footprints, because the earth is curved ‚ some of the signal gets lost in space, this is not a map or my fault!

The non-public 2F UK BeamAnd it was an accurate map too, just because it says "Paint" when you downloaded it does not mean that I "Painted" it! "Trolls" Eh?!The non-public 2F European Beam

And you can expect this to be an accurate map too, just because it says "Paint" when you downloaded it does‚ not mean that I "Painted" it! "Trolls" Eh?!

The non-public 2F Ka Beam

(SES Broadband for France)

UPDATE 03/02/13 at 20.00 - Astra 2B and all the rest of it! -‚ Now that Astra 2B has been cleared of all it's frequencies and channels what is expected to happen next,‚ firstly I must remind you of the original "SES-Astra" plan, Astra 2B was scheduled to be emptied of all transmissions and subsequently moved from 28.2 degrees east to 19.2 degrees east, this move to 19.2 is for back up capacity and also some broadcast transmissions, Astra 2B's move is sort of separate/detached to all the other "happenings" which are scheduled to happen, these are, during the second and third quarter of this year the following is/was the original plan of what should/would happen, Astra 2E's launch and placing at 28.2 degrees east, the subsequent Astra 1N move from 28.2 degrees east to 19.2 degrees east and then the Astra 2C move from 19.2 degrees east to 28.2 degrees east. The problem for "SES-Astra" is twofold, the Astra 2E launch has been delayed and has Astra 2F got a problem or problems as is widely suspected to be the case, Astra 2E's new launch date is the 20th of May this year which means that it will not be operational until sometime in July at the earliest, naturally this July Astra 2E officially active date is subject to everything going‚ according to plan with the launch and placing of Astra 2E, any sort of delay or other problem with Astra 2E's launch would put immense pressure on "SES-Astra regarding timelines and satellite capacity at 28.2 degrees east with a subsequent knock on effect also at the 19.2 degrees east satellite position, as I said, Astra 2F has possibly got problems, this would not be the first (or the last) time that new satellites have had major problems following launch and if it is correct that Astra 2F does have problems then this would mean that the 28.2 degrees satellite position would be short of much needed frequency capacity, so what are "SES-Astra" to do? One thing that they do need to do is make contingency plans because also in the third quarter of this year "SES-Astra" are due to take over lots of extra frequencies from "Eutelsat" at the "28" degrees east satellite position and if the satellite capacity is not there and already in place then big problems ensue, bearing allt his in mind then a possible change to the original "SES-astra" plan could see Astra 2B going to 19.2 degrees east but taking a more active role at this satellite position, once Astra 2B is at 19.2 degrees east we could see a shuffling/sharing/moving of frequencies and channels between all the satellites at this position with the ultimate aim of clearing Astra 2C of all it's frequencies and channels, this would then allow Astra 2C to move from 19.2 degrees east to 28.2‚ degrees east thus giving "SES-Astra" some much needed satellite capacity and some much needed contingency and breathing space at 28.2 degrees east, if "SES-Astra" do adopt this route of moving Astra 2C to 28.2 degrees east earlier than the original plan then it would also sort of "unofficially" confirm that Astra 2F does indeed have problems, if when Astra 2B gets to 19.2 degrees east and we then see the moving around of frequencies and channels between the satellites and it looks like Astra 2C is being cleared of it's frequencies and channels then it will be safe to say that Astra 2C will be moving and Astra 2F has problems, we await further developments with anticipation and trepidation. One further thought on the Astra 2B frequencies and channels moving to Astra 1N and not Astra 2F as was expected is that yes Astra 2F could have problems but also it could be possible that Astra 2F does not have problems, the reason for 2B to 1N not 2F moves could be something much simpler, as Astra 1N is scheduled to move from 28.2 degrees east to 19.2 degrees east could "SES-Astra" have put the Astra 2B channels onto Astra 1N so it could test the Pan European Beam, as far as I am aware the only time "SES-Astra"‚ have ever used the Pan European Beam on Astra 1N was only for a very brief period following Astra 1N's launch, just a thought! As I said we await further developments with anticipation and trepidation, I think that "SES-Astra" await further developments with much less anticipation and much more trepidation! LOL!

The regular "28" degrees east business of channel/frequency changes e.t.c. now goes on my "LATEST NEWS" page, this page will only be getting the big news updates relevant to this particular satellite's movements and receptions, I am "cross pollinating" too much if you get my meaning!‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's"UPDATE 29/01/13 at 21.10 - Astra 2E‚ -‚ And here we go again! Is the new launch date for Astra 2E going to be the 20th of May, 2013?! I will have more to come on everything tomorrow!UPDATE 29/01/13 at 21.10 - Astra 2B - It is still‚ January/Tuesday! -‚ And it has happened in January and on Tuesday! According to SES-Astra all Astra 2B frequencies/channels have now been moved and Astra 2B has been replaced by Astra 2F at the 28.2 degrees east satellite position, they also say that Astra 2B will be moving to the 19.2 degrees east satellite position soon, but we knew that already right?! So what was that all about then?!, Has SES-Astra's lack of information giving made us all think too much to the point of being wrong when we were right in the first place?! "Paranoid" is what we have been turned into, always go with your first instincts is what I was always told and me thinks that is exactly what we will all be doing from now on! And I threw my "Crystal Ball" out in the rubbish too thinking it was now faulty with all this 2B or not 2B 1N stuff! It seems my "Crystal Ball" was right all along and it is not at all faulty! Oh Happy Days! LOL!UPDATE 29/01/13 at 21.10 - Astra 2B - It is still‚ January! -‚ And it has happened in January! According to SES-Astra all Astra 2B frequencies/channels have now been moved to Astra 2F (what was that all about then?!) More to come on this

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‚©‚  Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

UPDATE 28/01/13 at 19.45 - Astra 2B - Rob told you it was to be January?‚ Continued!

The following are the remaining Astra 2B frequencies which I am expecting to be removed/moved from Astra 2B soon :-

11.973 V SR 27.500 s/beam,

12.032 H SR 27.500 s/beam,

12.344 H SR 29.500 s/beam,

12.382 H SR 29.500‚ n/beam,

12.402 V SR 29.500 n/beam,

12.441 V SE 29.500 s/beam,

12.460 H SR 29.500 n/beam

‚©‚  Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

The following are the frequencies that have so far been removed/moved from Astra 2B :-

11.992 H SR 27.500 moved from 2B north to 2A north beam

12.012 V SR 29.500 moved from 2B north to 2A north beam

12.070 H SR 27.500 moved from 2B north to 1N ‚ p/e beam 1

12.090 V SR 29.500 moved from 2B north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.148 H SR 27.500 moved from 2A north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.168 V SR 29.500 moved from 2A north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.188 H SR 29.500 moved from 2B south to 1N p/e beam 1

12.207 V SR 27.500 moved from 2B south to 1N p/e beam 1

12.226 H SR 29.500 moved from 2A north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.246 V SR 29.500 moved from 2A north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.266 H SR 29.500 moved from 2B south to 1N p/e beam 1

12.285 V SR 27.500 moved from 2B south to 1N p/e beam 1

12.304 H SR 29.500 moved from 2B north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.324 V SR 29.500 moved from 2B north to 1N p/e beam 1

12.363 V SR 29.500 moved from 2B south to 1N p/e beam 1

‚©‚  Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Many Thanks to website contributor "Jim" for providing this information breakdown

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

UPDATE 27/01/13 at 21.15 - Astra 2B - Rob told you it was to be January?‚ Continued!

Following the removal/moving of some of Astra 2B's frequencies/channels which Rob told you a long time ago would be happening in January what next? This removal came as no surprise to myself and readers of this website, the only surprise was that these chanenls were not as expected moved to Astra 2F but they were moved to Astra 1N and they were put on Astra 1N's Pan European Beam 1, I have always maintained that Astra 2B (not 2A) was the satellite to be cleared of all it's frequencies/channels and the satellite then moved elsewhere, these latest developments have done nothing to change my mind about that still happening, I expect the remaining Astra 2B frequencies/channels to be removed soon and it is probable that this removal will happen sometime this week, SES-Astra for some reason seem to like Tuesdays and Fridays for this type of thing so shall we say Tuesday at Noon?! LOL!‚ ‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013‚ - Republishing (cut and pasting) without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

UPDATE 26/01/13 at 11.00 - Astra 2B e.t.c. - Rob told you it was to be January? Continued!

What is going on? 12.070 H, 12.090 V, 12.148 H, 12.168 V, 12.188 H, 12.207 V, 12.226 H, 12.266 H, 12.324 V, 12.363 V and many more have moved but where have they moved to? As I have told you previously, the informations I give you are correct at the time I publish them but I cannot be held responsible for any changes to plans that happen thereafter, the recent frequency/channel moves should have been 2B/2A moved to 2F, this was confirmed as planned to happen but it seems that this has not happened according to the plans, unofficial confirmation confirms that the recently moved 2B/2A frequencies/channels have been moved to Astra 1N and that they are now transmitting on 1N's Pan European Beam 1 (1N has two PE Beam's), so what is going on here? SES-Astra have confused us all with this latest "move",‚ Astra 2B frequencies/channels were supposed to be moved to Astra 2F, Astra 2B is supposed to be moved from 28.2 degrees east to 19.2 degrees east, Astra 1N is supposed to be moved from 28.2 degrees east to 19.2 degrees east by Q3 2013 so it can take Astra 2C and Astra 1L's frequencies/channels, so why move the frequencies/channels to 1N? By using the confirmed information planned changes scenario‚ I will try and make sense of this (sorry if it gets a little confusing but I will try and keep it simple), firstly SES-Astra need extra satellites at a few of it's satellite positions, 28.2 degrees east and 19.2 degrees east are the obvious satellite positions that need extra capacity but other satellite positions which are expanding rapidly for SES-Astra are 31.5 degrees east and 23.5 degrees east, and 5 degrees east, SES-Astra are also currently in the middle of a satellite replacement programme because some of it's satellites are nearing the end of their life, confirmed SES-Astra satellites which are scheduled to be relocated are 1N, 2C, 2B, and 2A, without going into too much detail about the why's, what's, and how's, Astra 1N was originally intended to be located at 19.2 degrees east but was temporarily placed at 298.2 degrees east, 1N needs to go to 19.2 degrees east, Astra 2C was originally intended for 28.2 degrees east but was temporarily moved to 19.2 degrees east, 2C needs to go to 28.2 degrees east, Astra 2B needs to be moved to 19.2 degrees east,‚ these planned moves have been confirmed via varyious very reliable sources,‚ it is not known where Astra 2A is to be relocated to but"Rob" thinks 2A will probably move to 31.5 degrees east, once these planned changes happen then SES-Astra can move the even older satellites that it possesses as back up wherever it is needed,‚ of course the one other important addition toi the confusion is that we are waiting for the new Astra 2E 28.2 degrees satellite to be launched and operational by Q3 2013.‚ ‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013

A good precursor to what SES-Astra's next plans/happenings will be is what happens next to Astra 2B (and to a slightly lesser extent 2A), if Astra 2B (or 2A) are completely emptied of frequencies/channels then SES-Astra will be quickly moving the said satellite to 19.2 degrees east and then bringing Astra 2C from 19.2 degrees east to 28.2 degrees east, there is a little more urgency than previously for SES-Astra to do this because it does have big plans already in place for 28.2 degrees east this year which includes new customers/new frequencies/new channels and also the Astra's taking over most of Eutelsat 28A's frequencies from October 2013, although these frequencies are currently being disputed by the two satellite companies SES-Astra do need to have the capacity in place by the Summer of 2013, it does look like SES-Astra are in a very strong position to get those Eutelsat frequencies, if Astra 2E were to experience problem with another launch delay or problems following launch then SES-Astra would be in a very difficult position regarding the 28.2 degrees east satellite position, they would most certainly be very short of the capacity and back up needed at 28.2 degrees east, 1N needs to stay at 28.2 degrees east until 2E is launched and operational, that is certain, so 2B (or 2A) is the only option, could the currently at 19.2 degrees east Astra 2C which is/was confirmed as scheduled to be cleared of it's frequencies/channels in Q3 2013 now be cleared and moved to 28.2 degrees east sooner than planned, as I said, it is a very fine timeline/timetable that SES-Astra are currently working with, they previously have and will continue to change their original plans as and when it is required to do so, they could indeed have changed the 2C plans, and as I said we need to keep a very close eye on what happens next with Astra 2B (and 2A), 2B cleared out or not 2B cleared out!, 2B moved or not 2B moved!, 2B or not 2B!, we must wait 2C! LOL!

Oh, and one other thing, these recent frequency/channel moves to Astra 1N Pan European Beam 1 rather than the wider coverage 1N Pan European Beam 2 is giving me signals so to speak, as well as the new Astra 2E having a UK and Pan European Beam it also has a Middle East Beam, could the 2B/2A moves to 1N Pan European Beam 1 be to enable SES-Astra to test this beam against the 2E Middle Eastern Beam for possible interference issues prior and following Astra 2E's, apart from the initial directly after launch 1N tests there has been no activity on these new 1N frequencies and beams so SES-Astra need some testing and if Astra 2C is coming to 28.2 degrees east sooner than originally planned then it's Pan European Beam would be the ideal replacement for Astra 1N's Pan European Beam 1, both 1N and 2E beams are similar in that they provide the better solution to possible Astra 2E Middle Eastern beam interference.‚ ‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013

So in summary, if Astra 2B is cleared of it's frequencies/channels it is going to 19.2 degrees east and then Astra 2C is coming to 28.2 degrees east before Astra 1N goes to 19.2 degrees east, it is possible/probable that Astra 2A will be cleared too but as I said, 2A is for another position, probably 31.5 degrees east, I hope that I have given you some clarity on this currently confusing situation and that I have not confused you too much, Rob's Satellite TV, the Gem (Pearl) is a Sea of Seaweed!‚ ‚ ‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

UPDATE 23/01/13 at 22.45 - Astra 2B - Rob told you it was to be January? -‚ Some strange things have been happening today, loss of Astra 2A/2B frequencies/channels have been reported in some outlying areas of Europe, this would suggest that some Astra 2A/2B frequencies/channels have been moved to Astra 2F, as is well known to readers of this website I have been saying for a long time that I have been expecting a 2B to 2F move this month, the most high profile reported channel loss was Sky News on Astra 2B 12.207 V and I have observed a marked difference in 12.207 V Sky News signal levels, I must point out that "Middle" Europe are reporting no or little change, these reported losses are coming from "Outer" Europe, this scenario is entirely to be expected because unlike the Astra 1N to Astra 2F moves which were UK beam only and as such elicited a very wide and varied response in the form of reception reports which contained very sharp differences and changes in signal levels due to the big difference in the UK beam of Astra 2F in comparison with Astra 1N, any Astra 2B (and/or 2A) to Astra 2F frequency/channel moves which are European beam only will far less noticeable for the majority of "Middle" Europe because the European Beam of both Astra 2B (and 2A) and Astra 2F is basically the same over "Middle" Europe, only the outlying areas of "Outer" Europe will experience reception loss of frequencies/channels, these "Outer" areas will notice changes in signal levels and this is why special attention should be paid to reception reports from areas such as The Canary Islands, The Mediterranean, North Eastern Scandinavia and further East, and Eastern Europe, these are the areas which will be most affected by any Astra 2B (and 2A) moves to Astra 2F and these areas are reporting changes and/or loss of signal, these reports have come as no surprise to "Rob", as I said, I have for a long time been "predicting" Astra 2B to Astra 2F moves to be happening this month and whilst it is too early at this time to say for certain that this has actually happened what we can assume is that something happened today, the coming days will elicit more information which will help us to clarify these latest developments, naturally as ever your Astra 2A/2B/2F reception reports are most welcome in this regard. Rob's Satellite TV, it would seem that the "Crystal Ball" is still good! LOL!

11/01/13 at 23.40 - "Richard Pollock" a Satellite TV Installer‚ from Javea, Spain and also a Rob's Satellite TV Forum Member sent me a very interesting written piece which has been composed by himself based on the information that I have been providing regarding what is happening with these UK channels/Astra satellites at 28.2 degrees east and also on his own observations, local knowledge and expertise, as I said, it is a very interesting piece from "Richard", read on :-

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

For several months now I have been inundated by telephone calls and e-mails all seeking information on what was the future of the U.K. Channel reception here in Spain and in particular Javea and surrounding areas, the newspaper coverage has not always been helpful with quite a few comments way of the mark,‚ If you wind the clock back to around February 2012 you will recollect that overnight our reception of the U.K. Channels was greatly improved, all of a sudden we could enjoy BBC1.2.3 and 4 24/7 along with a similar performance with ITV1,2,3 and 4 not forgetting Four and Five. Of course those in the trade had seen comments regarding 2D fast coming to the end of its life, it was running low on gas and had to be parked out of orbit of the chain of other satellite transponders circling the earth, the problem facing SES-Astra who own and control a large string of satellite transponders was that the designated replacement for 2D had hit problems at launch and suffered irreparable damage however SES-Astra had successfully launched another satellite, Astra 1N and even though it was designed for use for‚ the whole of Europe at the 19.2 degrees east satellite position the short term solution for SES-Astra was to draft in 1N to replace the ailing Astra 2D at the 28.2 degrees east satellite position, this is of course the position which broadcasts all of the .U.K. channels, naturally U.K. viewers would not notice the any difference whatsoever with this changeover, however the European viewer certainly did with the better coverage of the so called U.K. beam all over Europe! In the words of Harold Wilson....You¢â‚¬â„¢ve never had it so good!

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Here in Javea and the surrounding districts whereas before we required 2.4 metre satellite dishes in order to view BBC/ITV e.t.c. we could now receive a range of stations on a 1.0 metre satellite dish and for many people who were suffering from the fact that they could not accommodate a large 2.4 metre satellite dish and/or simply did not wish to spend over a thousand Euros or so then the simple answer was to have a small 1.0 metre satellite dish installed along with a suitable satellite receiver, in the trade we knew that this was only to be a temporary solution until the launch of a suitable U.K. specific satellite replacement, this has now turned out to be the satellite launch Astra 2F and the soon to be launched Astra 2E, unlike Astra 1N, both of these new satellites have a specific U.K. beam, Astra 2F is currently broadcasting/transmitting five frequencies on the U.K. beam, channels currently on Astra 2F are as follows -

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

10.964 H CH5/5USA/5*/Channel 5+1,

11.126 V‚ Channel 4 HD/4Seven SD,

10.994 H‚ ITV 1 Granada HD/ITV 1 Central South West SD/ITV 1 Anglia West SD/ITV 1 Meridian North SD/ITV 1 Yorkshire East SD/ITV 1+1 Yorkshire SD,

11.052 H ITV 1 Central South SD/ITV 1 Central East SD/ITV 1+1 Wales SD/ITV 1+1 Westcountry SD/ITV 1+1 Tyne Tees SD,

11.023 H BBC 1 HD Scotland and BBC 1 HD Wales

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

The remaining U.K. channels which are still broadcasting on Astra 1N are due to be transferred‚ ‚ in the summer of 2013‚ to the new Astra 2E satellite which will be similar in performance to Astra 2E, specifically concerning the U.K., these channels will include all the other BBC/ITV/CH4 family of channels which broadcast free to air.

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

To complete our findings would be to set up test equipment to the frequencies known to be transmitted by the SES-Astra satellites at the 28.2 degrees east satellite position, the U.K. channels satellite position, we also knew that the ¢â‚¬ËœFootprints¢â‚¬â„¢ of 2F (and soon 2E) would be even more so targeted onto the U.K. and Northern Ireland and that the spillage into Europe would be even more attenuated than Astra 2D was, examination of 2F and 2E beams/footprints were of a very similar pattern and we had no option but to take this as our guide! We then did a comparison of the readings obtained from our satellite dish farm using a 2.4 metre Satellite Dish, a 1.0 metre satellite dish and a new 1.4 metre satellite dish (Please Note that all satellite dishes were from the Famaval range) all had the best LNBs to match their Head End Fitting and all cable was Webber 100/CT100 in other words a very‚ high quality low loss cable and all of similar lengths, listed below are the readings we obtained from our test results :-

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Astra-SES 1N

2.4 metre


1.0 metre

Sky News 12207 V

11.6dB 1.0E6

10.8dB 1.0E6

5.1dB 6.4E4

BBC W/Mid 10788 V

9.6dB 1.0E6

4.6dB 4.3E4

2.5dB 5.2E3

BBC1 H.D. 10847 V

8.9dB 1.5E3

2.8dB 6.9E3

0.7dB 1.0E1

ITV Channel Isles 10906 V

7.4dB 1.6E6

5.5dB 1.1E4

2.1dB 1.1E4

ITV Central 11053 H

7.4dB 2.0E6

4.1dB 9.4E4

1.6dB 1.1E2

Sky Sports 12148 H

3.3dB 9.2E3

0.3dB 7.3E2

Sky Classic 11836 H

2.6dB 1.7E2

Astra 2F

2.4 metre


1.0 metre

BBC 1 H.D. 11024 H

6.2dB 1.4E2

2.8dB 7.0E2

0.3dB 1.0E1

FOUR 11127 V

4.5dB 1.3E4

6.7dB 6.7E4

1.9dB 9.1E3

FIVE 10964 H

6.3dB 1.1E5

3.6dB 1.7E3

1.0dB 1.9E2

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Please Note the higher the dB (Decibel) reading the stronger the signal at the same time the BER (Bit Error Reading ) works in reverse of this e.g. using BBC 1 HD on Astra 1N 10.847 V 9.6dB is much stronger than BBC 1 HD on Astra 2F 11.023 H 6.2dB, and again 1N BBC 1 10.847 V at 1.5E3 means the errors in transmission are much less than those on 2F BBC 1 HD 11.023 H at 1.4E2

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

If you study these readings you will see that a 1.4 metre satellite dish as expected out performs the 1.0 metre satellite dish and this would indicate that in adverse weather conditions the 1.0 metre type would be the first to lose signals and of course as expected the 2.4 metre type out performs them all, if a viewer is happy viewing the U.K. channels then the best bet would be to consider the 1.0 metre satellite dish, it will also provide quite a few channels being transmitted from Astra's 2A and 2B plus of course some from Eutelsat 28A (Formerly Eurobird 1) at the same satellite position, it is worth remembering that some very popular channels transmitted from Astra's 2A and 2B are split into North and South Beams, we are in the Southern side and so Sky Sports 1,2 and 3 are much stronger than for instance Sky Classics e.t.c which are on the Northern Beam, again the 2.4 metre satellite dish copes better with these signals, it should also be noted that later this year the expected intention for SES-Astra and Sky is to use the Astra 2F/2E European Beam, we hope this will provide a more uniform spread of signals for viewers in this area of Spain.

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

My colleague Peter who made tests towards Calpe had already noticed that on a 1.0 metre satellite dish problems with the reception of Channel 5 can be solved by an upgrade to a 1.4 metre satellite dish and of course already we are hearing from our Cousins based much further South that they are unable to receive signals from Astra 2F at all using 2.4 metre satellite dishes, looks like we are for once much better placed !!!

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

I also included a few channels that were not required for the test however I thought it best to include them as on close examination you can see quite a wide spread/difference in the readings, this would not be the case were these tests completed in the U.K.

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

The answer is quite simple the signals aimed at best performance in the U.K. are balanced in such a manner that coverage over the U.K. is spread in quite an equal manner thus guaranteeing quality of reception of all intended channels, outside of the U.K. we are in the main operating on the ¢â‚¬ËœSpillage¢â‚¬â„¢ signal, the received signals are weaker‚ and of course‚ they will be affected by ¢â‚¬ËœRain in Space¢â‚¬â„¢ and also local rain of various degrees intensity all meaning a‚ rise and fall in signal strength which can mean picture or no picture.

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Finally I should mention the number of times Peter, Geoff, and I have been called in to examine recently installed systems (often still under guarantee) where the Client is not satisfied with the results and although a re-call and test have been made the system still does not perform as expected, this can be very upsetting, the Client in discussion with a neighbour with a near identical system finds the neighbour has a better range of programmes! More often than not we find the cure is simply in the detail, not enough attention has been taken in completing the adjustments, these consist of a very careful alignment of the satellite dish in both Horizontal and Vertical mode, after this especially on the larger satellite dishes it may be possible to improve performance by tuning the satellite dish face plate (if it is severely damaged then it must be replaced!), finally great attention must be made to the setting of the LNB, first the focal length and finally the skew, with both these adjustments one centimetre out can result in an inferior performance, at this point you are in the hands of the Installation Engineer and if he only has very basic equipment then it is almost impossible for the work to be completed to the standard required, these days as signals are getting more complex (after all there is now so much more additional information being transmitted as is the case with HD, 3D, and multiple sound stages e.t.c.) it is vital that suitable test equipment is available, we ourselves use Promax equipment these days which are accepted as an Industry Standard and this means a satisfactory result every time when we install.

‚© Rob's Satellite TV 2013 - Republishing (cut and pasting) of this or any other information without "Rob's" written consent is prohibited

Richard - Consultant Electronic Engineer.


UPDATE 02/01/13 at 16.20 - Astra 2F UK Beam Reception Map


UPDATE 22/12/12 at 20.45 - Astra Satellites -‚ "Where we at and Where we gonna be at?!". The "Rob" Lowdown

Some order/clarification on this great big "SES-Astra‚ Betzdorf Space Shuffle" that is happening/is going to be happening, let's start with the already happened some of Astra 1N frequencies/channels and‚ also the Astra 2B West African Beam frequencies/channels having‚ been transferred to Astra 2F, what is expected next to happen is that the Astra 2B European Beam frequencies/channels should be transferred to Astra 2F in January 2013 this will leave Astra 2B‚ clear of all traffic, Astra 2B is‚ scheduled to be relocated at some point (I will come to that later) but I am expecting that 2B will be temporarily used as a back up satellite at 28.2 degrees east in case of one of the other satellite's suffering a failure before it moves elsewhere, SES-Astra is currently in need of back up at 28.2 degrees east too, the new Astra 2E satellite will be launched sometime between March 2013 and June 2013 launch, the precise date is now to be confirmed following‚ a delay on future launches from‚ the proposed launch site after‚ a problem occurred with another satellite launch which needs to be fully investigated but following on from Astra 2E's successful launch there will be a transfer of the remaining Astra 1N frequencies/channels to the Astra 2E satellite, this is confirmed as scheduled to happen in the Summer of 2013, I am not expecting any of Astra 2A's frequencies/channels to have been transferred to another satellite by this point (it will become apparent why not later).

Now it is going to get a little confusing so please keep up! LOL!‚ In the Summer of 2013 and following Astra 1N transfer to Astra 2E then there should be the following SES-Astra satellite's at the following positions - 28.2 degrees east will have the active satellite's 2E, 2F, 2A and the back up satellite's 1N, 2B, and 2D - 19.2 degrees east will have the active satellite's 2C, 1L, 1M, and 1KR and the back up satellite's 1H, and AMC-2.

So moving on, but before I (and SES-Astra) move on there is something very important to be considering, SES-Astra's acquisition of most of Eutelsat's 28.5 degrees east frequencies, this frequency acquisition is currently being challenged by Eutelsat but‚ this frequency dispute will have been sorted out by Summer 2013 and if it remains so that SES-Astra have successfully acquired those Eutelsat frequencies then‚ by the Summer of 2013 SES-Astra would indeed have the infrastructue/satellites ready and in place for this Eutelsat frequency takeover, the plan is for these‚ Eutelsat's frequencies to be transferred to Astra's 2E and Astra 2F from October the 4th, 2013 but‚ this all means that Astra's 2E and 2F will be fully in service with little or no spare frequency capacity and because of this I do foresee that at this time (Q2/Q3 2013) that Astra 2A's frequencies/channels will not have been transferred to another satellite and that Astra 2B will also still be at 28.2 degrees east used as a back up satellite at least until after the next 19.2 degrees changes/moves have happened which I will now outline.

It has long been known that 19.2 degrees east is shy of active and back up satellite's and I foresee that Astra 2B will eventually end up at 19.2 degrees east as a back up satellite but that should not happen before the following things happen, Rob's "World Exclusive News" last year that Astra 1N was only temporary at 28.2 degrees east before it moves to 19.2 degrees east mean that once Astra 2E is successfully launched and operational then SES-Astra will waste no time whatsoever in transferring Astra 1N frequencies/channels to Astra 2E and then quickly moving Astra 1N from 28.2 to 19.2 degrees satellite position,‚ Rob's "World Exclusive News"‚ yesterday that Astra 2C and Astra 1L frequencies/channels will be transferred to Astra 1N in the third quarter of 2013 is testament to this happening quickly, and what then of Astra's 2C and 1L, Astra 2C should go to 28.2 degrees east which was it's originally planned destination because by now 28.2 degrees east is also shy of active and stand by satellites, Astra 1L will remain at 19.2 degrees east as a back up satellite, for extra new traffic, and for existing Ka-Band traffic. Only once Astra 2C is moved fropm 19.2 to 28.2 degrees east will Astra 2A be removed of it's frequencies/channels and then moved to another satellite position, this most probably happening in late 2013/early 2014.

The informations contained in the above article are part confirmed fact informations and part unconfirmed speculations, as is the way with everything satellite related, the confirmed fact informations are correct at the time of publishing and Rob cannot be held responsible for changes to‚ the confirmed fact informations that happen thereafter.

It's Chriiiiistmaaaaaas, let the alcohol drinking begin and let the‚ "SES-Astra‚ Betzdorf Space Shuffle" commence! LOL!


UPDATE 21/12/12 at 20.15 - Astra Satellites - Rob's Satellite TV, "World Exclusive", remember where you read it first

Astra 1N, Astra 2C, and Astra 1L "World Exclusive News" - After the Astra 1N satellite has been moved from 28.2 degrees east to it's new satellite position of 19.2 degrees east there will be two satellites which are currently located at 19.2 degrees east which will be cleared of their frequencies/channels, both the Astra 2C and Astra 1L satellites' frequencies/channels will be transferred to the Astra 1N satellite in the third quarter of 2013

Astra 2E News - I have in previous posts been saying that there was the probability/possibility that the scheduled launch for the Astra 2E satellite would be delayed and this is now so, Astra 2E was supposedly to have been launched in March 2013, the new scheduled launch date for Astra 2E could now be June 2013

Coming soon (over the weekend) more on all this in the form of one of the legend Rob's now legendary "essays"!


UPDATE 18/12/12 at 12.15 - Astra 2F -‚ It is looking like my suspicions have been confirmed regarding "SES-Astra" being behind schedule with Astra 2F "business", it would seem that the previous one week lateness following the one week launch delay is now more like a two week lateness, I am now convinced that "SES-Astra" are two weeks behind their original pre-launch Astra 2F scheduled plans, today (18/12) saw "SES-Astra" announce that their "SES-Broadband" Astra 2F Ka-Band satellite internet service for France is now officially active, this satellite broadband service was originally scheduled to be active at the end of November this year, as I said, there would seem to be a suspected two weeks lateness regarding all things Astra 2F in comparison with the original pre-launch schedule, this would also explain why the Astra 2B frequencies/channels changeover to Astra 2F has as yet not happened, as I have previously posted, January 2013 is my "date" for the Astra 2B to Astra 2F transfer, Rob's Satellite TV, "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it"!


UPDATE 15/12/12 at 13.35 - Astra 2F‚ UK Beam Dish Size Reception Map

Please note - These are my recommended minimum dish sizes needed for Astra 2F UK reception based on the reception reports very kindly sent to me by my very kind reception reporters

N.B. This map is for guidance only, Rob cannot be held responsible for lack of reception as a result of local conditions
UPDATE 13/12/12 at 22.50 - Astra 2B to Astra 2F - So following the announcement that the rest of Astra 1N channels will moving to Astra 2E (not Astra 2F ) in the middle of 2013 we have a little clarity on that particular aspect of the‚ "28 degrees east" satellite‚ changes but what about the other changes and happenings which will be coming? Firstly I must begin by saying that the following is not concerning the BBC/ITV/CH4/CH5 changes, the following is mainly concerning Sky channels and services reception. I have told you a very long time ago that Astra 2B channels were going to be moved to Astra 2F and so far Astra 2B's West African Beam channels have moved to Astra 2F, Astra 2B's European Beam channels are scheduled to follow and in reality they were expected to have been moved by now but as yet this is not so, there is a widely held consensus that the 16th of December is the scheduled transfer date for the rest of 2B to 2F and this could indeed be the case or it could also be the case that the rest of 2B will not transfer to 2F until January 2013, Christmas is nearly upon us which makes time and date more important than ever but one thing is for certain is that the rest of 2B will go to 2F soon, this change also brings some problems regarding the European Beam because whereas Astra 2B has two European beams (one is more Southerly focused and one is more Northerly focused) Astra 2F only has the one European Beam which naturally has some differences but the 2F European Beam would seem to be more focused on the Southerly rather than the Northerly so in‚ areas like Sothern Spain and The Canaries there will be a benefit because if you can get the Southerly 2B EB but cannot get the Northerly 2B EB then once 2B channels move to 2F you should be able to receive all of Astra 2B's channels, the opposite can be expected in the‚ Scandinavian area who could be most affected by these moves, they receive a stronger Northerly 2B EB than the Southerly 2B EB so when 2B goes to 2F they could experience some problems, as I said Astra 2B will have moved to Astra 2F by January's end at the latest. So what else?, what about the other "28 degrees east" stuff? More will be coming on that in the coming days! Don't you know it is bedtime?! LOL!
UPDATE 12/12/12 at 18.15 - The rest of Astra 1N is going to Astra 2E - It is officially confirmed -‚ According to the BBC their services will move from Astra 1N to Astra 2E in the summer of 2013, the following is from the BBC's Alix Pryde Blog "As a result of SES¢â‚¬â„¢s fleet replacement programme, BBC services will move in the second half of 2013." and also the following‚ "Astra 1N is due to take up its permanent position in 2013 (19‚°East), so the BBC¢â‚¬â„¢s services will move to their new permanent home on Astra 2E (28.2‚°East) when that becomes operational. SES expects Astra 2E to launch in Q2 2013, so we currently expect to transition BBC services to it during summer 2013.". So Astra 2F was in fact "missing a foot", Astra 2F cannot go "below the knee" if you know what I mean, Astra 2F cannot go below the 10.950 frequency which means that a viewing extension is given to those who can receive the Astra 1N Beam but cannot get the Astra 2F UK Beam, the BBC/ITV/Channel 4‚ family of channels which are‚ on frequencies that are below 10.950 which have not been moved to Astra 2F will stay on Astra 1N for a little while longer, Summer 2013, it will be a little like the Olympics are here again except that in some areas they won't be here or there! I am sure that you are still with me! LOL!
12/12/12 at 12.12! (yes really!) - The following is "Astra 2E" related, we know already that "Astra 2E" is due to be launched in the second quarter of 2013 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, if you would like to see the launch site and it's facilities (and it is a very large complex) there is a very interesting 45 minute documentary in the English language called "Tour of the Baikonur Cosmodrome" that you can watch on the free to air "RTG TV" (Russian Travel Guide TV) channel, unfortunately "RTG TV" is available on the Eutelsat Hotbird satellite at 13 degrees east, it is not available from the 28.2/28.5 degrees east satellites so that rules out my well known website "troll" and forum pontificator "M60" from watching it as he has only got a "Freesat" receiver and who has only recently discovered that 19.2 degrees actually exists, no doubting before he found that out he was one of those people who thought that "Sky" was and is "Satellite" (Where do these people come from? Is there some sort of "Roswell" type experiment going on that breeds "trolls" that think they know it all but in actual fact they know feck all? It would seem so‚ because everything that this website says is so plainly alien to them! LOL!‚ For everyone else except "M60" you can see‚ "Tour of the Baikonur Cosmodrome" today (Wednesday) at 1615 UK time and tomorrow (Thursday) at 0615 and 2015 UK time,‚ the Hotbird frequency for "RTG TV" is 11.623 V, SR 27.500, FEC 3/4 and please be sure to select English as the audio track otherwise you could be hearing it in Russian or Turkish. If you want to look at the painting go elsewhere, if you want to know about the painting stick with this website!‚ Rob's Satellite TV, Information not Decoration!
UPDATE 09/12/12 - Astra 2E - Could the launch of Astra 2E be delayed? - Astra 2E (not 2F) is a very important satellite for the 28.2 degrees east satellite position and more specifically for the UK Beam that it carries, there is rumour/speculation that Astra 2E not Astra 2F will now take the Astra 1N frequencies/channels which are below the 10.950 frequency range, this includes the BBC/ITV/CH4 family of channels, the Astra 1N frequencies above 10.950 have already been transferred to Astra 2F. Astra 2E was‚ scheduled for launch aboard a Proton launcher in March 2013 from Baikonur, in Kazakhstan but following recent developments regarding a launch that did not go to plan then there is the possibility of a delay to Astra 2E's launch, on Saturday (Kazakhstan time) another satellite for a non UK market (Yamal 402) was launched‚ aboard a Proton launcher from Balkonur but suffered problems during the separation phase following the launch, this release of the satellite concerned happened far too early, four minutes early in fact, this is a long time in space time (you have only to watch the film "Back to the Future" to know this!), seriously this is a big, big problem, there have been problems with Proton launches before, there will need to be investigations and I would expect a temporary hold on upcoming Proton/Baikonur‚ launches‚ until they fix this problem which could and probably will put a delay on Astra 2E's launch. So‚ "SES-Astra" have a decision to make, should they sit it out and wait for the Proton/Baikonur situation to be fixed which would most certainly mean a delayed launch or do they look elsewhere for a launch, "SES-Astra" also launches it's satellites from Kourou in French Guiana aboard an Arianespace launcher, theoretically they could move the launch there, Astra 2F was recently launched from there and "SES-Astra" have had a lot of previous launches from there too, the problem with moving the launch to French Guiana is that there is a launch queue, what I mean is that there are many, many satellites around the world and more and more new satellites are being launched for these satellite positions around the world, as I said there are launch queues and you cannot just jump the queue and of course there are all the logistical complications involved too, we await further developments
UPDATE 07/12/12 - Astra 1N to Astra 2F - "Where we at?" -‚ Before you read this post please read the two posts below.
The Astra 1N to Astra 2F moves/changes is currently a "funny/crazy" situation or so it seems, it just does not seem to be sitting correctly (a little like Astra 2F itelf when it arrived at 28.2 degrees east!), some frequencies/channels have moved and some frequencies/channels have not moved, but why is that, Astra 2F should theoretically be taking/have taken all of Astra 1N's traffic, there is some speculation that Astra 2F cannot go below the 10.950 frequency range and that this is why only Astra 1N's frequencies above this have been transferred and not Astra 1N's frequencies below this and because of this Astra 1N has to wait until Astra 2E's launch in the second quarter of 2013 and it's subsequent testing and arrival at 28.2 degrees east before it can be cleared of the rest of it's frequencies/channels and moved to it's original designated destination of 19.2 degrees east, this may be true about Astra 2F's lack of ability to go below 10.950 and if it is correct then we are most probably looking at the Astra 1N frequency/channel clearout and Astra 2E's commercial operatability at 28.2 degrees east of the middle to the end of May 2013 (just remember where you read it first, again!), to use the words of "SES-Astra" this will be after Astra 2F has‚ "successfully completed its in-orbit testing and is now fully operational and in commercial service at the orbital neighbourhood of 28.2/28.5 degrees East.", mmm, the middle to the end of May 2013, and not forgetting that then Astra 1N would need to be moved to 19.2 degreees east and become operational which would most probably take unti the middle to the end of June 2013 to be completed, all of the above could be true and will happen but what if .......?
Astra 2F was quickly/urgently needed at 28.2 degrees east for a variety of reasons, the West Africa Beam footprint for‚ the "Ghanaian" Pay TV operator "Multi TV" and wider coverage of West and South Africa which means much more income for "SES-Astra", the Ka Band Beam for "SES-Broadband" for France which was originally scheduled/intended to launch in November 2012 (I think this has now indeed recently launched, can anyone in France confirm this?), the Astra 2B to Astra 2F moves/changes, and of course the big, big transfer of all Astra 1N frequencies/channels to Astra 2F so that Astra 1N can be moved to 19.2 degrees east where it is urgently needed, whilst it may be true that Astra 2F cannot go below 10.950 I do find it difficult to believe that this would be the case in this age of moving satellites around the satellite arc at will and whim that "SES-Astra" would not give 2F full and completely flexible frequency bands, in fact "SES-Astra" do have many satellite position moves and changes lined up for the very near future, I won't go into the details of all these moves now as in this instance I am specifically talking about 2F and 1N but let's just say that this is indeed another reason of seemed urgency for "SES-Astra" to resolve this Astra 2F/Astra 1N issue as quickly as possible, so what can and/or do "SES-Astra" do about resolving this 2F/1N issue as quickly as possible, as I see it "SES-Astra" have four possibilities, in no particular order of preference or recommendation the first possibility is assuming that Astra 2F cannot go below 10.950 then the waiting for Astra 2E possibility that I outlined somewhere above(!) is a possibility (I think that possibly I am being a little too tongue in cheek with the possibles, is that possible?! LOL!), whilst the first possibility is feasible it does mean that 1N would not get to 19.2 degrees east quickly, the second possibility is that Astra 2F can and does indeed go below 10.950 and the remaining 1N frequencies/channels will be transferred to 2F this month or in January 2013, the third possibility and "SES-Astra" might take me up on this possibility as‚ I am assuming (sic) that they do/have read this site is again assuming that 2F cannot go below 10.950, whilst it is‚ theoretical that "SES-Astra" can and‚ could use the UK beam for/on any frequency in any band (any band above 10.950 that is!) it is theoretically possible that they also cannot,‚ as I see it the remaining Astra 1N frequencies to be transferred and which are all below 10.950 are a total of 16 transponders/frequencies and‚ by my reckoning there are 17 available transponders/frequencies above 10.950 that "SES-Astra"‚ could utilize‚ (I know that one or two have some sort of tests and/or data services on them but they can easily be got rid of elsewhere either temporarily or permanently, when needs must so to speak, priorities and all that jazz!), these 17 above 10.950 transponders/frequencies could quite easily accommodate the remaining 16 below 10.950 1N transponders/frequencies if that is what is needed to be done, and assuming that "SES-Astra" can use the UK Beam on any frequency they choose to use then it would not be a big deal for them but let's also assume that‚ "SES-Astra" would want to keep the UK Beams to/on/in the 10.700-11.200 frequency range then it is wise to‚ note that 4 of the 16 remaining 1N transponders/frequencies carry encrypted television channels while 12 carry free to air television channels so that would mean that only 12 of the remaining 16 1N transponders/frequencies theoretically would need to be on a UK Beam as the other 4 are encrypted anyway so it would not really matter if they were on the UK Beam or the Pan European Beam, as you can gather I am trying to cover everything here and as I see it there would just about be enough room for‚ 12 transponders/frequencies to go somewhere in between 10.950 and 11.200, the other 4 encrypted television transponders/frequencies would naturally go on frequencies above 11.720, this third while the least probable of the three I have given you so far but what I will add is that despite the following "quote" which was taken from a more complete reply on the"SES-Astra" Facebook page earlier today (07/11/12) "The channel transfer is ongoing and will have no implications for viewers in the UK since the TV programs shifted to ASTRA 2F operate on the same frequencies and are broadcast for the UK", now I will dissect this quote, the UK satellite receiver market is not the same as for instance the German satellite receiver market, in Germany free to air satellite receivers rule as a rule (!), they are the mass majority, in the UK "Sky" and "Freesat" receivers rule as rule, they are the mass majority, what I am saying is that‚ ‚ at the consumer/user end‚ of using free to air receivers (Germany)‚ frequencies are a very important aspect of things, cannot do anything without frequencies whereas at the consumer/user end of using "Sky" and "Freesat" receivers (UK) frequencies do not mean shit, consumers/users in the UK do not have anything to do with frequencies and please no offence to anyone but it has been so evident regarding the 2F frequencies that have been activated that many people with "Sky" or "Freesat" receivers know their EPG channel list numbers but regarding the frequencies they do not know the‚ what, where, and how e.t.c. as I said please no offence anyone, the point I am making is that The UK's "Sky" and "Freesat" receivers remain the same chanenls numbers even if the frequencies of those channels were changed daily and this means that today's (07/12/12) "SES-Astra" Facebook page reply and the "quote" I took from that reply has a different meanng if I quote it now "The channel transfer will have no implications for viewers in the UK since the TV programs shifted to ASTRA 2F operate on the same frequencies and are broadcast for the UK", as I said, if "SES-Astra" were to change frequencies daily‚ The channel transfer would have no implications for viewers in the UK since the TV programs are broadcast for the UK and the UK uses "Sky" and "Freesat" channel lists not frequency based receivers, for the majority of UK viewers, nothing changes when frequency changes! And let me tell you that if "SES-Astra" wanted to change frequencies there would be nothing at all that anyone could do to stop them, anyway the third option‚ does mean a "little" extra work for "SES-Astra" but what the heck, it is a new year coming, and they love it really, but what is the fourth option I hear you ask?‚ The fourth option is for "SES-Astra" to give me a job and I will sort the bloody lot of it out for them! LOL!‚ I wonder if "SES-Astra" are still having their Christmas party, I could do with some Christmas cheer/beer after writing this and the other bloody essay's this evening! LOL!‚ But again, just remember where you read it first, again, again! Rob's, always giving you the complete picture
UPDATE 07/12/12 - Astra 2B to Astra 2F - "Where we at?" -‚ The Astra 2B to Astra 2F satellite moves/changes which I told you a very long time ago was going to be happening‚ has seen some activity of late.‚ some doubted what I said at the time that this 2B to 2F change would be happening‚ (nothing new there then!)‚ but happening it most certainly is,‚ no doubt the doubters (!) were in their infinite wisdom (sic) applying the "Alphabet Rule", A comes before B, blah, blah ......, I say to that that A before B except when it is F!, LOL!, Anyway I digress,‚ Astra 2B's African Beam frequencies/channels were moved to Astra 2F on the 27th of November and it is expected that Astra 2B's Pan European frequencies will follow to Astra 2F very soon, the original "SES-Astra" plan for Astra 2B's move to Astra 2F was for this to have been completely completed (!) by the end of December this year, I will add that‚ the information/dates/times posted on this website were correct at the time of posting but‚ held responsible for any changes to information/dates/times that happen thereafter I cannot be, this is the nature of the new satellite business and‚ of course the one week launch delay of Astra 2F created many problems for "SES-Astra" and for this website too, nothing seems to have gone to plan/original timetable for "SES-Astra" regarding Astra 2F, if this pre launch delay‚ (and also the probable testing delay) had not occurred then this Astra 2B to Astra 2F move would have been completed by now but now‚ we find ourselves in the second week of December, Christmas is coming, Santa is coming but is Santa coming to "SES-Astra" or will they be working still? Rob thinks that they should/would welcome some well deserved Christmas cheer/beer! But I digress again, following the 27th of November Africa Beam moves there was also some activity at "SES-Astra" (the 28.2 satellite position) on the evening of the 29th of November/the morning of the 30th of November which I thought was either the rest of 2B to 2F and/or the start of 1N to 2F but as I found out later this was not so hence my not posting about this activity (though it is still bugging me as to what they were doing that night, maybe it was their Christmas party and someone got into the control room! Have "SES-Astra" already had their Christmas cheer/beer?! It would seem that I have but I promise you that I have not!!) and as it did no happen then then it means that it is still to happen, it is looking a little late for a December completion although there is still time for this to happen but if it does not happen this month then a‚ January 2013 completion is a certainty. Just remember where you read it first, again!‚ Rob's, always giving you the complete picture
UPDATE 07/12/12 - Astra 2F - This today from the "SES-Astra" Facebook page - "We'd like to respond to your questions relating to the current channel shifts at 28.2 degrees East and the footprint of ASTRA 2F. The UK channels are currently shifted from ASTRA 2B and ASTRA 1N to ASTRA 2F which has been launched recently and is operational now. ASTRA 2F is part of our fleet replacement programme at 28.2 degrees East. The channel transfer is ongoing and will have no implications for viewers in the UK since the TV programs shifted to ASTRA 2F operate on the same frequencies and are broadcast for the UK. TV viewers outside the UK, however, may see an impact as they might no longer be able to receive the channels due to their transfer to a beam with a smaller footprint. This footprint meets the requirements of our customers, the broadcasters, who focus their program distribution on the UK where they have the programme rights.".
I think he means "Shifting" not "Shifted" or maybe he means "Shafted"?! LOL!
UPDATE 04/12/12 - Astra 2F -‚ The following frequencies and channels have been moved to Astra 2F from Astra 1N.
10.964 H SR 22.000 FEC 5/6 (CH5/5USA/5*/Channel 5+1),
10.994 H‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (ITV 1 Granada HD/ITV 1 Central South West SD/ITV 1 Anglia West SD/ITV 1 Meridian North SD/ITV 1 Yorkshire East SD/ITV 1+1 Yorkshire SD),
11.052 H‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (ITV 1 Central South SD/ITV 1 Central East SD/ITV 1+1 Wales SD/ITV 1+1 Westcountry SD/ITV 1+1 Tyne Tees SD),
11.126 V‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (Channel 4 HD/4Seven SD)

UPDATE 30/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ This from "SES-Astra" facebook page‚ "Services are currently being transferred onto Astra 2F, BBC (Tp 2.061) has been migrated to 2F whereas Channel 5 (Tp 2.057), ITV (Tp's 2.059 and 2.063), and Channel 4 (Tp 2.068) will move to Astra 2F next Tuesday. This will then mark the completion of the transfer".

So confirmation of the 11.023 H, SR 23.000 FEC 2/3 DVB-S2 8PSK "8901" and "8911" (BBC 1 HD's) move to 2F
The frequencies and channels moving on Tuesday the 4th of December will be :-
10.964 H SR 22.000 FEC 5/6 (CH5/5USA/5*/Channel 5+1),
10.994 H‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (ITV 1 Granada HD/ITV 1 Central South West SD/ITV 1 Anglia West SD/ITV 1 Meridian North SD/ITV 1 Yorkshire East SD/ITV 1+1 Yorkshire SD),
11.052 H‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (ITV 1 Central South SD/ITV 1 Central East SD/ITV 1+1 Wales SD/ITV 1+1 Westcountry SD/ITV 1+1 Tyne Tees SD),
11.126 V‚ SR 22.000 FEC 5/6‚ (Channel 4 HD/4Seven SD)
UPDATE 28/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ No further delelopments as yet regarding the Astra 2F UK Beam, no new frequencies activated and no changeover as yet from Astra 1N to Astra 2F, it is plain to see that SES-Astra are "problem solving/fine tuning" the Astra 2F UK Beam and it is now likely that 1N to 2F changeover will now be taking place next week or the week after, what has been happening with Astra 2F is that the Astra 2F West African Beam seems to have been activated, the "Ghanaian" Pay TV operator "Multi TV" had announced that "Multi TV will undergo a frequency change due to satellite upgrade" on the 27th of November, correspondence received by me asking questions along the lines of "What's the new frequency .....e.t.c.?" imply that the frequency change has taken place in which case the satellite change is most likely‚ to have also taken place, more on this to come I am sure
UPDATE 26/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Following one or two "trolling" e-mails I must point out that this website's information/dates/times are correct at the time of publishing, I cannot be held responsible for any changes to Information/dates/times that happen thereafter, this is the nature of the new satellite business and it is now plain to see that "SES-Astra" are running late, a bit like buses, we know that there are three new satellites, I hope they don't end up coming together! LOL!
UPDATE 26/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ My friend from "Tenerife" tells me that astra 2F's West Africa Beam service is to beswitched on on the 27th of November, many thanks for that
UPDATE 22/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Further reception updates for this possible/probable Astra 2F frequency of‚ 11.023 H, SR 23.000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 8PSK ("BBC 1 HD" test channels named as 8901 and 8911) are as follows, Eindhoven in The Netherlands says it is perfect, up on 1N
UPDATE 22/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Reports from The Costa Blanca, Spain are saying that on a 1 metre dish they cannot get this frequency but on a 1.85 metre they can get‚ 11.023 H, SR 23.000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 8PSK frequency
UPDATE 22/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ 11.023 H, SR 23.000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 8PSK ("BBC 1 HD" test channels named as 8901 and 8911) are quite possibly‚ now on "Astra 2F", readers in Spain are telling me they are getting this frequency, readers in Porto, Portugal, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, The South of France, Heidelberg, SW Germany are reporting a reduced signal, Northern Tuscany in Italy, Bergen in Norway has no signal, everyone is reporting that everything else from 1N is fine, this together with the earlier‚ Tenerife (2.9 m dish) and Bavarian Germany (1.2 m dish) reports that they cannot receive this frequency and the earlier‚ South Sweden (1.2m dish) telling me that this frequency has a reduced signal, I thank you all for your information (e-mail replies will be forthcoming soon), please keep your information coming regarding this and other Astra 1N frequencies, all this information is painting a very interesting picture and if this 11.023 H frequency is indeed coming from Astra 2F it also makes for very interesting reading, more coming soon
UPDATE 22/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ It is looking like the‚ "BBC 1 HD" tests (channels named as 8901 and 8911) on‚ 11.023 H, SR 23.000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 8PSK, are now on "Astra 2F, readers in‚ Tenerife (2.9 m dish) and Bavarian Germany (1.2 m dish) are telling me that they cannot receive this frequency,‚ South Sweden (1.2m dish) is telling me that this frequency has a reduced signal
UPDATE 22/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ Rob is currently "investigating" but what I will say is that this is not the best day for testing, extreme weather conditions have just completely wiped out my 28 degrees east reception!
UPDATE 21/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ There are no further new happenings happening! I am now going to call it a day, and night!
UPDATE 21/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ Another large and this time longer signal spike noted on 11.141 H, still of UK Beam type spikes, otherwise 11.141 H is a very low signal when not being spiked! Anyone want to spike a drink for me please?! LOL!
UPDATE 21/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ It is currently mid afternoon and I have yet again just received one hell of a signal spike on 11.141 H, a UK Beam this spike has got to be, this frequency is looking like a most likely candidate for "UK Beam" frequency testing in my opinion
UPDATE 21/1112 - Astra 2F -‚ I have just received one hell of a signal spike on 11.141 H, a UK Beam type of spike is how I would describe it best
UPDATE 21/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Now that‚ "SES-Astra" have confirmed‚ that "Astra 2F" is‚ "fully operational and in commercial service" what has changed, nothing has changed regarding the frequency/channel changeover from Astra 1N to Astra 2F, as I write this there have been no moves/changes that have occurred, what I have since yesterday observed taking place are signal tests, these signal tests are still active as I write, these are purely signal tests/data transmissions, they are not TV or Radio channels so no there is need for you to check these frequencies as there is nothing to receive on your satellite receiver, I am currently receiving signal tests/data transmissions on 11.008 V, 11.141 H, 11.171 H, 11.186 V, and 11.954 H, some of these frequencies are stronger than others, as I said, nothing is resolvable with these frequencies on a satellite receiver but what I will say is that judging by the quickness of these tests/frequencies being activated then I think it will not be too long before something more interesting happens, keep checking the site, as soon as anything happens it will be here but to my readers I ask that you to from time to time check your BBC/ITV/Astra 1N channels to see if there are any changes/differences and if there are please let me know, "SES-Astra" sometimes do stuff without telling us! There will be more to come from me before the day is out, P.S. I am getting all your e-mails and they will be answered but as you can appreciate I am currently "investigating" as the first priority
UPDATE 21/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ We now have confirmation from a press release issued today by "SES-Astra" that "Astra 2F"‚ has successfully completed its in-orbit testing and is now fully operational and in commercial service at the orbital neighbourhood of‚ 28.2/28.5 degrees east, this statement means that "Astra 2F" is now at 28.2 degrees east and ready and waiting for action, "Astra 2F" has‚ 48 Ku-band transponders which are for UK and Europe coverage, 12 Ku-band transponders which are for Sub-Saharan Africa coverage, and 3 Ka-band transponders for "SES Broadband" download speeds of up to 20 Mbps for France, the full press release can be found‚ HERE‚ , I will have more on this during the day, I am investigating this as we speak
UPDATE 20/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ I think it is safe to say that the‚ "Astra 2F" satellite is now at it's correct 28.2 degrees east satellite position, we now await further developments
UPDATE 19/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ The‚ "Astra 2F" satellite will be in it's correct position imminently,‚ the moving of BBC/ITV e.t.c. channels from Astra 1N to Astra 2F will not be happening immediately when Astra 2F is in it's correct 28.2 position,‚ there will be a small period of testing before all that happens,‚ when this small period of testing commences then the frequency information will be posted here and I will hopefully be receiving a most welcome "deluge" of reception reports from my very kind reception reporters all over Europe, these reception reports will be posted on my "Astra 2F Reception Reports" and "Astra 2F Reception Maps" pages,‚ naturally when something "drastic" happens it will also be posted on this website. Nothing has happened to your channels yet, when it is imminent you will know about it here, there is speculation that the Astra 1N to Astra 2F channel switchover may not now happen until early December (unconfirmed), this is the nature of the satellite business, dates and plans very often do change, nothing is ever set in stone with these matters but rest assured that this website will give you all the latest happenings as they happen, but I will also remind you (it is common knowledge) that this website gives you the latest happenings before they happen too!
UPDATE 19/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "Astra 2F" is now in the final stages of being positioned at 28.2 degrees east, there will be another update on Astra 2F later this evening
UPDATE 16/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "Astra 2F" is currently (at the time of writing) at the 33.0 degrees east satellite position and it is moving along very nicely, soon Astra 2F will be three degrees from it's final destination and as "The Three Degrees" once sang, "Take Good Care of Yourself" Astra 2F! Did "The Three Degrees" sing "Year of Decision" too? How very apt!
UPDATE 14/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "Astra 2F" is currently (at the time of writing) at the 35.7 degrees east satellite position and it is moving along nicely, arrival at 28.2 degrees east is predicted to be on the 19th of November
UPDATE 11/11/12 - Astra 2F/Astra 2B -‚ An appeal from "Rob" to all my "Canaries"! LOL! I have been made aware of a possible future reception issue concerning the "Astra 2F West Africa Beam" which could possibly in the future and if the "conditions" were right affect Canary Islands reception, this is nothing to be concerned about at present but it needs a little investigation, this is where my "Canaries" come in, the "Astra 2B" satellite at 28.2 degrees east currently has some channels broadcasting on it's own "West Africa Beam" (albeit it has a seemingly tighter WAB than Astra 2F will have but it could be helpful in this instance), I am asking if my very kind "Canary Islands" reception reporters (while you are waiting for "Astra 2F" to get to where it belongs and if you are of‚ large dishes and regular non Sky satellite receivers) if you can check the following frequencies and see if they are either receivable or if there is the slightest sign of a signal there on these frequencies - 12.543 H, SR 20.800 and 12.552 V, SR 19.531, both frequencies are DVB-S2, there are also the following frequency possibilities which may or may not be broadcasting - 12.572 V, SR 2.854 - 12.599 V 3.250 - 12.603 V, SR 3.095, do not worry if they are encrypted, it is the signal issue that concerns me, this does warrant‚ a little investigation both‚ now that they are on "Astra 2B" and in the future when they are on "Astra 2F" as it could be a possible future problem.‚ Many Thanks in anticipation of your reception reports‚ (or I hope lack of reception)‚ of these "West African Beam" frequencies.
UPDATE 11/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Now that "Astra 2F" is on the move and as it has now been officially confirmed that "Astra 2F" will (barring any last minute glitches) be operational at the 28.2 degrees east satellite position later this month what comes next? All "Astra 1N" channels should have been transferred to "Astra 2F" by end of this month and then "Astra 1N" will be empty and free to go to it's originally intended satellite position of 19.2 degrees east, transfer of "Astra 1N" to 19.2 degrees east will most probably have happened‚ by mid to late January 2013, now this is where it gets a little confusing, I am expecting the all‚ "Astra 2B" channels will also be transferred to "Astra 2F", the‚ "Astra 2B" satellite which according to "SES-Astra" is also supposedly going to 19.2 degrees east should have been emptied of it's channels‚ sometime in December,‚ the transfer date of when "Astra 2B" goes to 19.2 degrees east is currently not clear but there are other factors to consider which also come into play when talking about the "Astra 2B" move and most notably it is "Astra 2C", I told you this would be a little confusing, "Astra 2C" is at the 19.2 degrees east satellite position but‚ according to "SES-Astra" it's rightful home should be 28.2 degrees east and "Astra 2C" is supposedly to be transferred to the 28.2 degrees east satellite position in the future.So, some questions, After the "Astra 1N" move, Which satellite do "SES-Astra" move first, "Astra 2C" or‚ "Astra 2B"? And do "SES-Astra" move "Astra 2C" and "Astra 2B" before or after the even newer "Astra 2E" satellite for 28.2 degrees satellite is launched around the expected March 2013 launch date? I know what my trusty "crystal ball" is telling me but that is for another day, after writing this I now need a beer!! LOL!!‚ Rob's Satellite TV, the forward thinking satellite website which always gives you something different and colourful and always giving you "Food for Thought".
UPDATE 11/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "ASTRA 2F" has begun it's move from 43.5 to 28.5 degrees east, the end is nigh!! LOL!!
NB - ‚ When I say "end is nigh" I mean the long wait for 2F at 28.2E is nearly over not that your channels are nearly gone.
UPDATE 09/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "ASTRA 2F successfully launched and will enter commercial service later this month", those words were contained in a "SES-Astra" press release issued earlier today, this I believe is official confirmation of what I have been telling you already, here is some more from that press release "SES' 52nd satellite, ASTRA 2F, was successfully launched on an Ariane 5 rocket on 29 September and is presently undergoing in-orbit testing. The satellite carries Ku- and Ka-band payloads for the delivery of high-performance Direct-to-Home (DTH) and next generation broadband services. It is the first of a three-satellite investment programme (ASTRA 2E, 2F and 2G), that provides replacement and growth capacity for the UK and Ireland at the 28.2/28.5 degrees East neighbourhood. The new satellites in this neighbourhood will, as of October 2013, use additional frequency spectrum granted to SES by Media Broadcast. The new ASTRA 2F spacecraft provides Ku-band capacity for UK / Ireland DTH as well as for pan-European services and for Sub-Saharan Africa. Its Ka-band payload will allow SES Broadband Services to support download speeds of up to 20 Mbps. The spacecraft is expected to enter commercial service later this month". Rob's Satellite TV, It's not Satellite TV, it's Rob's Satellite TV.
UPDATE 08/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ The provisional date for the moving of "Astra 1N" channels to "Astra 2F" is the 23rd - 26th of November, these moves will include the "BBC" and "ITV" channels, if this news is correct it means that "Astra 2F" is expected to be moving soon
UPDATE 05/11/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "Astra 2F" is still testing at the 43.5 degrees east satellite position, testing has been extensive and one would expect that this testing will not continue for too much longer but because of this continued testing and the time that it would take Astra 2F to move from 43.5 degrees east to 28.2 degrees east it is very unlikely that Astra 2F will be at the 28.2 degrees east satellite position by the target date of the 15th of November, it is already known that Astra 2F's launch was delayed by one week and my suspicion now is that the 15th of November target date that I was given was most probably the pre launch/pre launch delay target date, taking all of these factors into account would now suggest that we should be looking at a date somewhere around the 22nd of November with nothing of any significance‚ regarding the moving of channels likely to happen until at the earliest the end of November or early December
UPDATE 23/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "SES-Astra" have set‚ the 15th of November, 2012 as their target date for‚ "Astra 2F" to become operational at 28.2 degrees east, this means that we can expect Astra 2F to be moving from it's current 43.5 degrees east test position next week
UPDATE 22/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "Astra 2F" is still being tested at 43.5 degrees east
UPDATE 17/10/12 - SES-Astra and Eutelsat -‚ Further to the news that I previously told you about regarding SES-Astra and Eutelsat's dispute over 28.5 degrees east frequencies which are currently operated by "Eutelsat" but "SES-Astra" say they have the frequencies from October 2013 both companies now seem to have taken their "spat" public, SES-Astra's version of events can be found‚ HERE‚ , and Eutelsat's version of events can be found‚ HERE‚ , these two statements are nothing that I have not told you previously (see 05/10/12 and 08/10/12 further down this page) and therefore nothing that we do not know already, the questions which need answering/clarification are clear or clearish!. In 1999 were Eutelsat given these frequencies for ever (open ended without time limit) or was there a time limit to these frequencies (such as the 2013 that SES-Astra are currently quoting)? Were these frequencies given to Eutelsat as a completely separate entity or were they given as part of the bigger 1999 "Intersystem Coordination Agreement"‚ deal which included other agreements as well as the "28 "degrees dispute resolution which had been ongoing between SES-Astra and Eutelsat? Were Deutsche Telekom allowed to pass on/sell ‚ these frequencies to their subsidiary Media Broadcast and then sell Media Broadcast including‚ Eutelsat's frequencies‚ to their current owners TDF Group without the knowledge or consent of Eutelsat? And another question, If these frequencies were not awarded to Eutelsat with no time limit then one would think that there would have been some sort of contracted legal option‚ in place‚ of first refusal for Eutelsat regarding these frequencies once the supposed contract was due for renewal, one other thing of relevance is that Eutelsat's press office agency in Germany is Media Broadcast's press office agency too! You could not make this up could you?! We await further developments. Place your bets please on the likely winner and loser!
UPDATE 16/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ "SES-Astra" are still busily testing the boots‚ (signal)‚ of "Astra 2F" at 43.5 degrees east, there is nothing of any other interest currently happening such as channels appearing or other similar stuff
UPDATE 12/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ ‚ It is still frequencies in the 12.140 - 12.500 range which are being tested at 43.5 E, and a little reassurance for viewers who are concerned that they will lose their UKTV, Astra 2F is currently being tested at 43.5 degrees east, your UKTV comes from 28.2/28.5 degrees east, these are different satellite positions, you will not lose your UKTV today or in the immediate future, when Astra 2F is moved to 28.2 degrees east and starts the real important and relevant stuff it will be posted here
UPDATE 11/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Astra 2F has today been officially handed over to SES-Astra from Astrium, see‚ HERE‚ , many thanks to "Haward" for this information
UPDATE 10/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Frequencies in the 12.140 - 12.500 range are the most likely suspects for 43.5 E testing
UPDATE 10/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Astra 2F is now at the 43.5 degrees east‚ satellite position‚ and is testing, currently reported frequencies are 11.785 H, 12.185 V, and 12.186 H. these are only signals, nothing is being broadcast
UPDATE 10/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Astra 2F is now at the 43.5 degrees east satellite position, more on this later
UPDATE 09/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ Mission Update "After the successful launch of our newest satellite Astra 2F we can proudly announce that the solar arrays have been deployed. Congratulations to the mission team for all their hard work.". Astra 2F is in orbit and is moving to it's test position of 43.5 degrees east,‚ arrival is imminent
UPDATE 09/10/12 - Astra 2F -‚ And we wait and wait and wait, we are still waiting for Astra 2F to "make it's way" to 43.5 degrees east where it will be tested, following this period of testing and all being well Astra 2F will then be moved to it's real home of 28.2 degrees east and then the action will begin, this is what we are all waiting for!
UPDATE 08/10/12 - SES-Astra and Eutelsat -‚ Here‚ is some further background information from 1999 on the SES-Astra and Eutelsat (and of course Deutsche Telekom) agreement which was reached over frequency allocation at the "28 degrees east satellite positions", the following was contained in a joint press release‚ from 1999‚ by SES-Astra and Eutelsat -
"According to the intersystem coordination agreement, SES, in addition to the continued provision of services in the BSS band (11.70 to 12.50 GHz) at 28.2 degrees East, will also use frequencies in the FSS band (10.70 to 11.20 GHz) for Direct-to-Home Services. EUTELSAT will use at 28.5 degrees East the frequencies in the FSS band (11.20 to 11.70 GHz and 12.50 to 12.75 GHz), in particular to ensure the continuation of services currently carried on DT AG¢â‚¬â„¢s DFS Kopernikus satellite at that orbital location. SES will use frequencies from 12.50 to 12.75 GHz at 28.2 degrees East for operations outside of Europe."
Please correct me if I am wrong but am I to understand that as part of that 1999‚ intersystem coordination agreement, Were‚ SES-Astra given the‚ 10.70 to 11.20 GHz (and‚ 12.50 to 12.75 GHz for operations outside of Europe)‚ frequencies and Eutelsat given the‚ 11.20 to 11.70 GHz and 12.50 to 12.75 GHz frequencies as part of that same 1999 agreement? If that is correct (and it looks to be correct) then it seems to me that this current problem between SES-Astra and Eutelsat may‚ not be such a clear cut case in SES-Astra's favour,‚ Eutelsat might just have a leg to stand on with this as well as if‚ there was‚ no time limit to the original 1999 agreement! Please feel free to mail me your thoughts on this.
UPDATE 05/10/12 - SES-Astra and Eutelsat -‚ Following Astra 2F's successful launch SES-Astra announced that from October 2013 that it be able will use some additional frequencies at the 28.2/28.5 degrees east satellite position which according to "SES-Astra" it acquired because of a long standing agreement from 2005 with German company "Media Broadcast", this announcement by SES-Astra caught "Eutelsat" who are the other operator at the "28" degrees east satellite position by surprise. Now the big question here is what are SES-Astra talking about? Firstly we need some background information to this story, "Eutelsat" which since 2001 has operated television and radio services to the UK and Ireland on the "Eutesat 28A"‚ which was formerly called "Eurobird 1"‚ satellite at the 28.5 degrees east satellite position as part of a‚ 1999‚ international agreement which was reached following a long standing bitter dispute‚ between "Eutelsat" and "SES-Astra‚ over the "28" degrees east satellite position,‚ following this agreement which was achieved with the active involvement of "Deutsche Telekom" who operated the "Kopernikus" satellite which at the time was at the 28.5 degrees east satellite position, "SES-Astra" were awarded frequencies in the‚ 10.700-11.200 band as well as continuing to broadcast in the 11.700-12.500 band,‚ "Eutelsat" were given frequencies in the 11.200-11.700 band and the 12.500-12.750 band, in addition this agreement stipulated that SES-Astra were given the 12.500-12.750 range for broadcasts outside of Europe, SES-Astra have since developed the 12.500-12.750 band for transmissions to Africa.‚ Eutelsat 28A which was launched in March 2001 was originally given an operating life by Eutelsat of 12 years, Eutelsat 28A's manufacturers indicated an operating life of 15 years, the latest estimation contained in Eutelsat's literature is for Eutelsat 28A to end it's operational life‚ in the second quarter of 2018‚ at the 28.5 degrees east satellite position, even if Eutelsat 28A does not last this long Eutelsat already have the Eutelsat W2M satellite in place as a stand by replacement‚ should anything happen to‚ Eutelsat 28A. As I said earlier,‚ Eutelsat are surprised at this announcement by SES-Astra, Eutelsat say they have no plans to leave the 28.5 degrees east satellite position but they cannot comment further because of ongoing arbitration proceedings before the International Chamber of Commerce, this arbitration is obviously to do with this SES-Astra and Media Broadcast deal which most probably amounts to Eutelsat losing the right to some or all of it's current frequency allocations at the 28.5 degrees east satellite position. The following was contained in some more‚ of‚ Eutelsat's literature "At some orbital positions, the Group operates satellites with‚ frequency assignments granted to third parties, this is the case with the Eurobird 1 satellite at 28.5‚° East operated under the German frequency assignments‚ held by Deutsche Telekom, the Group‚ uses these frequency assignments under agreements entered into‚ with these operators". Now this is relevant, Deutsche Telekom was once the owner of "Media & Broadcast" but in 2008 they sold it to the French company "TDF Group", TDF renamed it as simply "Media Broadcast",‚ SES-Astra recently stated that it had a 2005 agreement with "Media Broadcast" and from October 2013 it would have additional frequency spectrum at the 28.5 degrees east satellite position, Eutelsat have asked the International Chamber of Commerce to decide whether Deutsche Telekom/Media Broadcast has/had the right to take these frequencies away from Eutelsat, they say there was no time limit to the 1999 agreement with Deutsche Telekom and that the frequencies cannot be transferred, SES-Astra obviously did not tell Eutelsat about it's 2005 deal with Media Broadacst until recently but when Eutelsat found out about this deal and that they would be losing frequencies they have gone to the International Chamber of Commerce for a ruling and a decision should come in 2013, Eutelsat are saying that this SES-Astra/Media Broadcast 2005 agreement is not valid as there was no time limit to the original 1999 agreement/settlement, SES-Astra still believes it has the rights to the frequencies from October 2013 and does seem too worried about Eutelsat's move to arbitration, and just to confuse the issue even further, I told you earlier that SES-Astra did a deal with Media Broadcast in 2005, Media Broadcast was sold by Deutsche Telekom to French company TDF in 2008 and although in 2005 Deutshe Telekom did own Media Broadcast, since 2008 Deutsche Telekom do not own Media Broadcast so this means that Deutsche Telekom do not own the frequency spectrum now! This is going to get dirty, Eutelsat will not give up 28.5 degrees east without a fight, SES-Astra will think that they are right, there will be more to come, I await further developments, as "Prince" once sang, "we're gonna party like it's 1999"! What Again?!
03/10/12‚ - Follow/Track Astra 2F's movements‚ HERE
UPDATE 01/10/12 - BBC Changes - Oops!...I Did it Again!

I made a prediction on the 21st of September that the BBC would be closing frequency 11.954 H‚ on the Astra 2A satellite at 28.2 degrees east. Today the BBC has announced that 11.954 H is being closed. For more on this see 02/10/12‚ HERE


01/10/12‚ - This from SES-Astra

SES-Astra‚ announced today that its new ASTRA 2F satellite has been successfully launched on Friday, 28 September, on board an Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana. This is SES' 36th successful launch on Ariane.

ASTRA 2F was built by Astrium in Toulouse using a Eurostar E3000 platform and carries Ku- and Ka-band payloads for the delivery of high-performance Direct-to-Home (DTH) and next generation broadband services. It is the first of a three satellite investment programme (ASTRA 2E, 2F and 2G), that provides replacement and growth capacity for the UK and Ireland at the 28.2/28.5 degrees East neighbourhood. The new satellites in this neighbourhood will, as of October 2013, also use additional frequency spectrum for which the right of use was granted to SES by Media Broadcast pursuant to an agreement entered into in 2005. The new ASTRA 2F spacecraft also provides Ku-band capacity for pan-European services and for Sub-Saharan Africa. Its Ka-band payload will allow SES Broadband Services to support download speeds of up to 20 Mps.

"The successful launch of ASTRA 2F is part of our fleet replacement and expansion programme," said Romain Bausch, CEO of SES. "ASTRA 2F will provide seamless replacement capacity for our UK customers like BSkyB, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, and will allow us to operate additional capacity at 28.2/28.5 degrees East on SES satellites. This orbital neighbourhood today serves close to 13 million DTH homes in the UK and Ireland. We would like to thank our long-standing partners Astrium and Arianespace for this mission success."

ASTRA 2F had a launch mass of 6 tons, generates 13 kW of power, and has a design life of 15 years. It is the fifth Eurostar satellite in the SES fleet. The new spacecraft will be brought into commercial service in the next few weeks following the completion of the extensive in-orbit testing programme.


29/09/12‚ - Astra 2F which was launched successfully last night will be handed over to SES-Astra in two weeks time, testing is to be carried out at 43.5 degrees east before Astra 2F is moved to it's permanent home of 28.2 degrees east

Old Astra 2F reception reports - 01/2013

For the very latest reception reports please see my forum where continuing and changing reception reports are being reported by my very excellent members, naturally you too can join ¢â‚¬Å“Rob¢â‚¬â„¢s¢â‚¬ and report your own reception reports and other stuff, sign up now!These written reception reports contain detailed confirmed location and‚ dish size reception of the‚ Astra 2F satellite

These Reception Reports below are from the new activated 2F Frequencies of 10.964 H, 10.994 H, 11.052 H, and 11.126 V as well as the long time 2F Frequency of 11.023 H.

More to come soon but feel free to sign up to the forum and post your reports there,‚ HERE

There have been some reports of some changes in reception of Astra 2F in some areas, the following were received/reported by website members on 08/01/13, more to come ‚ and more are most welcome and of course my forum also has info, do join/sign up

Spain, Algorfa near Torrevieja - Just to report signal good on 1.1m dish. Neighbour having problems with ch4 hd and ch5 on 1.0m. - ¢â‚¬Å“John D¢â‚¬

France, Biarritz -‚ In Biarritz we have lost C4 HD,and channel 127 even in good weather.‚ All other Astra 2F channels - Ch 5, 5+1, 5 USA etc are still OK, but with reduced performance - Strength 85%, Quality 50%.‚ We have a 90 cm Triax dish. _ ¢â‚¬Å“John¢â‚¬

Spain, Costa Blanca -‚ No change in reception at all on the Costa Blanca - ¢â‚¬Å“UKTV CB Dave¢â‚¬

Spain, Costa Blanca, Javea -‚ No change noted here in over the past few days. Still have a stonking signal with high quality. I am using a 2.4 metre prime focus dish which of course is a great help.‚ I think the signal levels would have to drop quite a lot before it would make a great deal of difference. - ¢â‚¬Å“Pavlo¢â‚¬

Spain, Costa Blanca, Denia - Well, last night, I noticed picture breaking up then non at all on BBC2 and BBC1 Standard Definition around 9:30pm GMT. This was not the case before the weekend. However, I continued to receive both HD signals satisfactorily. I now have a First Strike FS1 Satellite Meter, and also Technomate 5402 HD in addition to my SKy HD box so will carry out some more accurate surveys.‚ 1.15m offset dish, Black Supreme LNB, 35m cable run to Sky HD box. - ¢â‚¬Å“John¢â‚¬

The reports below were received/reported up to and including 02/01/13

Iceland -‚ Astra 2F has a little lower signal than 1N but still it is 100% with 80 cm dish in all of Iceland and on east part of the island 45 cm Sky dish will work in most weather, 2F is‚ around 3db less than 1N - ¢â‚¬Å“Ari¢â‚¬

He is around 3db less power than 1N in Iceland

France, Biarritz - With a 60 cm Sky Dish, C4 HD and all the other channels that were transferred to Astra 2F have been capable of reception in very good weather conditions only, however, I installed a Triax 90 cm dish. the actual dimensions are 85cms x 92cms. I can now receive all the Astra 2F channels with good reception. For example, reception for C4 HD is Strength 85% and quality 80% on a dry morning with blue skies. In wet and cloudy conditions strength drops to 80% and quality to either 60% or 50%. Even so, the channels are of an acceptable viewing quality, in contrast the channels that still transmit from Astra 1N are at 100% strength and quality under all weather conditions, this is better than with the 60 cm dish, thus there is no doubt that the enlarged dish has led to a significant improvement - ¢â‚¬Å“John¢â‚¬

France,‚ Draguignan, 30kms north of St Tropez -‚ 80cm dish, quad 0.3db LNB,‚ since Channel 5 moved on the new satellite I had to re adjust very carefully my dish to have the reception back, the Thomson standard sky box gives a quality signal of 66 on channel 5 when it¢â‚¬â„¢s around 100 on E4. I can watch all the channels for now, I had all the frequencies in the afternoon but as soon as the sun went down, I lost channel 5, 5 USA